We made it – finally! 9th of June 2018 is our 6th Anniversary! Yes, MOSA DETE was officially launched on the 9th of June 2012, at Marist Brothers Dete. Today, we launched MOSA VOICE, the Marist Brothers Dete Alumni magazine. We are proud of the effort that many of our members put into this. Its […]
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Posts by admin1
MINDS Scholarship Program for Leadership Development
The Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS) is a continental institute that seeks to address the short, medium, and long-term development challenges in Africa in a holistic and comprehensive manner. For more; Click to visit the MINDS website. MINDS offers scholarships to Africans who wish to pursue post-graduate studies within Africa, outside of their own […]
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New Beginnings – in New Zealand: Congratulations Ntombiyothando Siziba
Ntombiyothando Siziba has arrived in New Zealand to commence studies towards a Bachelor of Science degree in Actuarial Science at Victoria University of Wellington. Ntombi is the holder of the NOESIS Scholarship, a special competitive award that was formed in 2016 as part of the MOSA Mentorship programme, created for the Marist A’level pioneers (Form 6 in 2016).
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never acccept the definition of life from others, it is your life, define it yourself.. have a vision, a dream!! Enjoy every single moment of being alive. Dont be influenced by someone else to do what you dont like. live a simple life.
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