New Beginnings – in New Zealand: Congratulations Ntombiyothando Siziba

Ntombiyothando Siziba arrived back in New Zealand on the 11th of February 2018. This was her second trip to New Zealand, having visited previously in 2017, when she was first awarded the NOESIS Scholar Award for Mathematical Sciences.

This time, she is not on holiday, she commences at Victoria University of Wellington on the 5th of March 2018, where she will study for a Bachelor of Science degree in Actuarial Science, continuing her journey in Mathematical Sciences.

Ntombi had the following comments;

“This is truly life changing. I am grateful to all those who worked hard to make this possible. It’s a dream come true.”

“I want to thank everyone at Marist Brothers Dete. I am here today because of the guidance I received from them. It was 6 years well spent!”

“I am grateful for the NOESIS Scholarship, which is helping me continue my journey in the mathematical field that I love and am passionate about. I am very excited about what the future will bring.”

“Thank you to Victoria University of Wellington for the Victoria International Excellence Award. A welcome addition to the support programmes that have made it possible for me to undertake my studies abroad.”

“A big thank you to the Marist Old Students Association (MOSA). Without the MOSA Mentorship programme, this would never have happened.”

“Most of all, a big ‘Thank You’ to my dad Thabani, my mum Nokuthaba, and my big brother Thabiso. Thank you for literally creating all of this just for me. Thank you for making New Zealand my new home. You have made me feel super special!”

As reported previously, Ntombi is the holder of the NOESIS Scholarship, a special competitive scholarship award that was created in 2016 as part of the MOSA Mentorship programme, run by the Sibanda family for the Marist A’level pioneers. The essential criteria for the NOESIS Scholar Award were;

  • Membership of the Marist Dete A’level pioneers (Form 6 in 2016),
  • Excellence in Mathematics (A level results),
  • Enrolled to study towards a degree in a Mathematics rich course,
  • Evidence of Leadership, and,
  • Evidence of involvement in ‘Social Responsibility’ projects.




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