End of Year ‘House Parties’: Budget permitting
- This is only made possible when there is money left over at the end of the year.
- Each house gets a share of these funds on a sliding scale based on house performance, mostly from house inspections.
- Total budget: $2000 (total) gives them a reasonably good party. They got less last year – just $1392 for all houses!
What the School Head and Deputy Head think of the house parties:
” …. The kids definitely appreciate it ….”
” …. It gives them a great sense of belonging ….”
” …. Teachers and other staff help on this ….”
” …. It brings great togetherness ….”
What the school children think!
When Form 4s were asked about things that old students (including themselves next year) should ‘do for current students’, they had plenty of suggestions – no surprises there. And the list included the end of year party, thus agreeing with their head teachers!
” …. End of year party please! …”
What can we do?
- Please let us help make this year special: It’s Marist’s 40th! Its a fitting opportunity for us (MOSA) to mark our arrival by funding this year’s house parties for the kids, amongst other good things we can do! Part funding or full funding will do.
- How? Discuss, or go ahead and make your pledge, and/or leave a message and we will organize money collection and transfer to the school. The school head will be able to confirm receipt of funds.”