Innovation: Is this the next big invention

Excellence in Science and Innovation: No surprises there

Students at Marist Brothers Dete are producing some stunning inventions. With guidance from their Science teachers, the students identify a societal problem, and then get to work, devising solutions for the problem. They then go ahead, create, test and demo a working prototype!

Two example creations so far:

  • An efficient (recycling and less wasteful) system of candle lighting: I would certainly buy several for my family.
  • A mechanical water delivery (hand washing) system, designed with infection control in mind (cholera)! This should be in every hospital ward, all public toilets, and other public places.

Marketed at the right price, these inventions will sell very well.

Award Winning Yet Lying Idle: The water tap invention captured the 1st Prize in local and regional competitions but now lies idle. We are informed that it has been admired by all who saw and tested it. Help is needed to move it a few steps towards market, or better still, to develop it all the way.

One step at a time: With a bit of help, the school would like to install one such working kit somewhere prominent on the school grounds, for all to use, including visitors. Showcasing the creation this way may increase chances of its adoption by large players. Budget: $1000.

Innovations fund

We discussed the potential creation of a revolving innovations fund. This fund would be used in taking a small number of the most promising inventions towards market.

Successes/uptake would generate funds that will be ploughed back into the ‘innovations fund’.

MOSA Dragons Den

Thankfully, our membership is wide and diverse: we have experience and expertise spanning all sectors of society. Used positively, our diversity can help the school as well as our membership.

If we pooled our resources, we could easily snap up some of those brilliant creations and help them develop towards market for profit, while sharing risk. As does every inventor, the school children, their teachers and the school are desperately looking for such opportunities. Its opportunities galore for everyone, dragons den style.

The least we can do is help: When saying yes proved a no-brainer

After discussions with the school, we thought it wise and offered to chip in and help move the water tap idea at least one step forward. We agreed to fund its installation at the school.

Like a water fountains in a city centre: this will be somewhere prominent, with a plaque identifying ‘MOSA’ as having funded the installation! Once used, the ‘grey’ water will flow towards and water a useful tree: perhaps a fruit tree! Nothing wasted: Saying yes was a no-brainer! Done deal ….

Whe are we now?

This is going ahead .. …. be part of it! But NO to heroism!

Although we have committed to fund this in full, we still thought it wise to avail the opportunity for the rest of MOSA membership to be part of this. It’s something I wouldn’t want to miss ..

Rough costings – under $1,000: we should be able to fund this quite easily, especially as a collective. Final costs are thought likely to be a lot less than that: money left over will go to another idea.

What next? …..

  • 10 people at $100 each, 100 at $10, or 500 at $2 each. Even if 50 people contribute just $2 each ($100), with the rest ($900) coming from 1, 2, 3, 5, people. All so that everyone has ownership of the project, and we all enjoy the opportunity of working together.
  • However, entrepreneurship should still be encouraged: if some people wish to go all the way and invest, the inventors are waiting! Please let everyone know.. and create partnerships …
  • Express an interest, make a pledge, an offer, or indicate a desire to share costs .. whatever ….
  • You can leave a message and we will organize money collection and transfer to the school. The school head will be able to confirm receipt of funds.

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