MOSA Bulawayo Fund Raiser

Join us for our first fund-raiser: a braai

Former students from all over the country are invited and most welcome. Those without a place to sleep in Bulawayo but want to come please call Khumbulani.

VENUE: 7 Livingstone Road, Surburbs, Bulawayo

DATE: 1 September 2012


COVER CHARGE: $10 per head

  • Spouses, partners, & family welcome: $10 for each adult, $5 for children under 12.
  • Please pay at Divine Elegance Shop 31, 2nd floor, Haddon and Sly Complex before the date to allow for planning. Payments on the day will be accepted but please call to let us know.

CONTACTS: Any one of the following,

  • Shephard Matasva: 0773380252
  • Khumbulani Matonsi: 0772755075
  • Ntombikayise Ngoma: 0772429770

Dress code

  • T-shirt with a MOSA logo. Please buy your own t-shirt and leave it at Shop 31, 2nd floor, Haddon and Sly Complex for printing (Cost $3). T-shirts can be white or any house colours.
  • Donations: Members are encouraged donate any of the items listed below( in addition to paying the $10) to allow for more money to be raised: Vegetables (onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, carrots), Beef, Sausages, Salt, Spices, Marinade, Firewood, Mealie-meal, drinks), and anything else that may help..
  • Members can also help in other ways: music, preparation of salads, designing a poster to direct people to the venue, photography, video recording etc.


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