Many of you may never have heard of OMMBD before? OMMBD stands for Operation Mobilisation Marist Brothers Dete), an organisation that was made up of mainly former students and teachers of Marist Brothers’ Secondary School, Dete. Membership was open to any person ‘connected to the school in one way or another’, including just ‘a mere interest and love of the school’. Our key objective was to seek ways of improving the standards of education, general conduct and to provide career guidance to those still studying at the school.
Origins of OMMBD
Operation Mobilisation Marist Brothers Dete (OMMBD was founded in 1988 by a small group of former Marist Brothers Dete students who, at the time, were studying at the University of Zimbabwe. They got together with a former teacher and formed OMMBD, and from an original membership of 6, the group grew over the years as more former Marist students joined the University. By 1994 there were over 30 active members.
OMMBD Projects
Activities between 1988 and 1994 included visits to Marist on Open days, sponsorship of some students to visit the University Open days, and a donation of money raised through membership fees to the school.
Operational difficulties
From 1994 to 1998 the group faced organisational difficulties. This was a result of the departure of all of the founding, as well as, earlier members. Newer members were left with the task of running the organisation, which for organisational purposes, had always been based at the University of Zimbabwe. Newer members were not able to keep the organisation afloat, leading the dormancy that has since been observed.
The Future
Thanks to new media, including social networking, we can now connect with other Maristians worldwide very easily. The logical step now is to join forces with other like-minded individuals and groups and work towards establishing a fully fledged Marist Alumni.
It is now very easy for the thousands of Maristians out there to participate in thoughts, decisions, and activities that will help influence events at not just our school, but outside of it too.
OMMBD supports the establishment of MOSA.